EveningDew Bible 3.2.0 is a very useful program that provides a quick access to a simple electronic form of the Bible to the user, in a very compact form. The application has a pretty controlled and intuitive user interface, and the user doesn’t need to struggle even slightly, while using this interesting product.
The software features the King James Version (KJV) of the bible, and there are many new updates in the latest version making it suitable for all kinds of users, right from the novice ones down to the biblical scholars. The latest version has been fine tuned as per the recommendations from the users, pertaining to the previous versions. The key features in the latest version include cent percent compatibility with Windows Vista, storage of user notes and settings are in the user's documents folder, new user icons for more modern look as well as a new color scheme, detailed translation information in the options dialog, additional Nave's and Torrey's Topical Bible (Study packs) and lots more.
The program also has the ability to search for a word in all references at once, and features enhanced functionality like the verse of the day. It also has comprehensive reference materials.
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